Safe Guarding
The Parish of All Saints, Birchington with St Mildreds, Acol and St Thomas, Minnis Bay
In the All Saints Parish we want to make everyone feel welcome and safe. To help with this we have a Safeguarding Officer whose role includes looking out for those within our churches who may need support. They are also available to speak to about any issues or concerns you may have. Their contact details are below.
Every volunteer (from 2019) who helps with children and youth work has to complete an application form, a DBS check and two references.
As a Parish we are fully signed up to the Diocesan Safeguarding Training framework and all the PCC are undertaking C1 training unless they attend C2, 3 or 4 training courses.
Parish Safeguarding Policy Statement
The Parish PCC have adopted the safeguarding policies and procedures of the Church of England. In particular we are committed to:
- the safeguarding of all children, young people and vulnerable adults
- carefully selecting and training paid and voluntary staff who might come into contact with children or vulnerable adults, using the Disclosure and Barring Service amongst other tools, to check their suitability
- responding without delay to every complaint made which suggests that an adult, child or young person may have been harmed
- cooperating fully with the police, local authority and any other appropriate statutory body in any investigation
- ministering appropriately to anyone, child or adult, who has experienced abuse
- extending pastoral care to those known to have offended against children or vulnerable adults whilst ensuring that children and vulnerable adults are protected from them
We have appointed as the Parish Safeguarding Coordinator:
Ms Loraine Bant
07835 330562
We also appoint a fellow PCC member as who administers the checks when a volunteer requests to take on a position in the Church:
Mrs Tessa Hinge
Application Forms available from Church House Parish Office
01843 840777
The Parish Safeguarding Coordinator is available to speak with adults or children.
This policy is reviewed and renewed annually in May of each year and displayed in the church.
Our Safeguarding Policy, which accords with the Diocesan Policy, can be read here.
Where to get help and advice:
You can get immediate support from Childline on 0800 1111 or the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000.
Any parent or carer wishing to talk about parenting problems can contact Family Lives on 0808 800 2222
If you believe someone is at immediate risk or danger, you should call the police on 999.
Kent County Council services can be accessed as follows:
Main contact: 03000 41 41 41
- Adult social services & health: 03000 41 61 61
- Children & Families Information Service: 03000 41 23 23
- Children’s social services: 03000 41 11 11